Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I put in for an invitation which came over the weekend and now I'm "hooked"!

Ravelry is the most addictive yarn-lovin' site I could have dreamed up. I have a log of my yarn stash, my hook collection, my finished and in-progress projects (well, some of the finished ones), and a queue of projects I haven't started yet! There are thousands of pictures, projects, patterns, yarns and everything you can think of that goes with it--usually linkable to what you want to find. Beautifully organized, too!

I can't really describe this amazing place to do it justice.
You'll have to just get yourself invited and find out for yourself.
And if you're on there, you can find me as "cjoy"--as usual.

(Oh, and I've linked this blog to it; if you're one of the authors and you join, please do the same since we're all part of it!)

1 comment:

Laurel said...

I'll have to take a look at it later tonight when I have more time. fun.